- 10 pcs fresh dates (or at least 12 pcs of dried dates)
- 1 cup of unpeeled almonds (200g)
- 6 g Bio Matcha Tea Chef
- ½ cup of bio raw cocoa powder
- vegan milk (ideally almond or coconut)
- 2 tablespoons of maple syrup (or add more dates, depends on your preference)
- 1 tablespoon of desiccated coconut
- 1 tablespoon of milled almonds (from the previously mentioned 200 g)
- 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
- Put the almonds in a mixer and turn it on.
- Put 1 spoon of the milled almonds in a different bowl – it will be used as coating.
- Add pitted dates to the almond mix, cocoa powder and mix until it forms a powdery mix.
- Add matcha, vegan milk, maple syrup and mix again until the dough becomes compact.
- Make small balls from the mix and coat them in coconut, almonds and cocoa.